Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to install SharePoint Server 2010 Language Packs on Windows 7

When trying to install SharePoint Server 2010 Language Packs on top of Windows 7 you might receive the following error – “Setup is enable to proceed due to the following errors: this product requires Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 …” – to work around this you can use the same procedure with the language pack installation files as the one outlined for the normal SharePoint installation on Windows 7 – a great walkthrough is Setting up the Development Environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008. Listed below are the exact steps

  • Copy the language pack installation files to a folder on your computer where you are installing SharePoint and doing your development

  • Extract the installation files by opening a Command Prompt window, and then typing the following command at the directory location of the folder where you copied the installation files in the previous step.

          • For SharePoint Foundation 2010  - c:\SharePointFiles\SharePointLanguagePack.exe /extract:c:\LangPack
          • For SharePoint Server 2010 -c:\SharePointFiles\ServerLanguagePack.exe /extract:c:\LangPack

  • Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the installation configuration file, config.xml, located in the following path: c:\LangPack\files\Setup\config.xml and add <Setting Id="AllowWindowsClientInstall" Value="True"/> inside the <configuration> tag

  • Proceed with the installation using the normal way of working


Friday, November 11, 2011

Quick Tip – Solving WP7 DatePicker and TimePicker missing icons problem

To see the correct ApplicationBar icons in the DatePicker and TimePicker, you will need to create a folder in the root of your project called "Toolkit.Content" and put the icons in there. The toolkit provides the necessary icons, but you have to copy them from the PhoneToolkitSample project. They must be named "ApplicationBar.Cancel.png" and "ApplicationBar.Check.png" and the build action must be "Content"!

Source: WP7 DatePicker and TimePicker in depth | API and Customization

Thursday, November 10, 2011

BIWUG session about the SharePoint 2010 Multilingual User Interface on 30th of November


Doing a SharePoint project in a multilingual environment can be tricky. In this BIWUG session we will focus on how the new MUI (Multilingual User Interface) allows for multilingual collaboration scenarios. We will show you how MUI and the SharePoint variations framework relate to each other. Next to showing the out of the box features we will do a deep dive for developers explaining how to use the MUI framework in SharePoint custom solutions. The session will wrap up with some best practices and pitfalls as well as a round the table discussion to exchange ideas.

Hope to see you there.


18:00-18:30 – Welcome and snacks

18:30-19:30 – SharePoint MUI – Part I (Speakers: Andy Van Steenbergen & Joris Poelmans)

19:30-19:45 – Break

19:45:20:45 – SharePoint MUI – Part II (Speakers: Andy Van Steenbergen & Joris Poelmans)

20:45 – … SharePint!

Register for BIWUG3011 : SharePoint 2010 Multilingual User Interface in Mechelen, Belgium  on Eventbrite

Monday, November 07, 2011

Presenting SharePoint 2010 - to pie or not to pie?

I recently found an interesting discussion about the SharePoint pie – to pie or not to pie?  Most of you have probably use the image depicted below in presentations to potential customers – but is that such a good idea?

Here are some of my ideas about this:

  • The SharePoint 2010 pie makes sense to talk to technical people who have worked with previous versions of SharePoint – also check out this one – Making sense of the SharePoint 2010 pie
  • It is probably not the pie that matters but the story behind it – the translation to the business context of a specific customer which makes a difference - an excellent article about this is Effectively communicate the power of SharePoint to a business audience
  • I haven’t found a comparable compelling graphic yet to explain such a diverse product (or platform) such as SharePoint – so I will probably still be using it for quite a while.
  • The terms used within the pie such as composites, insights are probably not known with business users but they are commonly used by all SharePoint professionals so it makes it for customers  sometimes a little simpler to compare consultants and their sales pitch.

Please leave a comment with your idea about this or fill in this poll