Definitely an interesting error message:
My host, being satan incarnate, messed up the database. Im in Orlando still, so i shall be diligent and fix it when I return.
Occasional rantings about Enterprise Architecture and Solution Architecture. Taking the first small steps in machine learning, Python and algorithmic trading
Definitely an interesting error message:
My host, being satan incarnate, messed up the database. Im in Orlando still, so i shall be diligent and fix it when I return.
I did a practice session about integrating Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and the Business Intelligence capabilities of Microsoft SQL Server a couple of weeks ago.
I'm mostly a SharePoint guy but I was pretty impressed with the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Since Dynamics AX 2009 finally RTM'ed (Download on partnersource -
For more info check out these links:
The coolest thing for SharePoint developers is probably the ASP.NET based Enterprise Portal - everything is basically an ASP.NET web part which makes it a lot easier to develop a light-weight web access for your Dynamics AX back-end.
Something which still strikes me as odd though is the fact that almost all of the documentation is partner-access only - so you will need a Partnersource logon to take a look at the most interesting bits of info. I truly believe that the key to the success of a platform is the community which drives it ... and it seems as if the Dynamics AX platform solely relies on its partner platform. Too bad ... [This is my personal opinion and not necessarily this of my employer]
Interactive Media Manager is a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system built on top of SharePoint Server 2007. Some interesting features:
For a great demo of the capabilities - check out IMM@NAB 2008 (Video)
Related links:
Enterprise 2.0 is probably one of these buzz words you have heard a lot lately. It is also a term which is surrounded by confusion. The simplest definition of Enterprise 2.0 would probably be "...the application of Web 2.0 technologies in the enterprise." . This is similar to the definition which has been put forward by AIIM in one of their studies recently.
Enterprise 2.0: A system of web-based technologies that provide rapid and agile collaboration, sharing, emergence and integration capabilities in the extended enterprise.
Another cool one - probably my favourite:
Enterprise 2.0 is about empowering your end users to connect and collaborate.
Now let's talk about the key thoughts in the presentation. The red line in the presentation is the link between organizational culture and Enterprise 2.0. But what is not clear is whether your organizaiton needs a "culture of collaboration" to successfully use wikis and other Enterprise 2.0 tools or that these tools can enable your organization to embrace a "culture of collaboration".
This might seem like the chicken-and-the-egg problem ...
I think that you will first need to create a mindset within your company which is ready to embrace collaboration and knowledge sharing before you can start thinking about Enterprise 2.0 - a view which is confirmed by this guy - Enterprise 2.0 - Culture required? But on the other hand for those people in your company who get it, you want to provide the necessary tools - so you might want to take a look at a platform which might already be present in your company - guess which one? SharePoint offcourse ... LOL.
Related links:
Silverlight 2 beta 2 has been released - so time to install the required tools fo finish my series about Getting started with SharePoint and Silverlight.
First uninstall Expression Blend 2.5 March preview, Silverlight 2 Beta 1 and Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 1 for Visual Studio 2008. Next install all of the new components:
Interesting about Silverlight 2 Beta2 is the fact that it has a go-live license that allows you to start using and deploying Silverlight 2 for commercial applications.
Interesting links:
I noticed this really annoying popup today on my blog -
"The evaluation period for Silverlight 2 Beta 1 has ended. You can visit the Silverlight web site to download the latest version. Do you want to go there now?"
So I uninstalled Silverlight and saw this "Install Microsoft Silverlight to view My XBox Gamercard". But when I clicked this - it redirected me again to the Silverlight Beta 1 download. Therefore I remove the XBox Gamercard silverlight app untill it has been upgraded. Too bad, I hoped that upgrades would be seamless from an end-users perspective.
Interesting interview with Quentin Clark who led the WinFS project from 2002 to 2006 ... This is something which you should read, it also puts the evolution of the Entity Framework, Filestreams in SQL Server 2008 (Take a look at Managing unstructured data in SQL Server 2008 ) , LINQ and the Microsoft Sync Framework into perspective, ...