Monday, August 07, 2023

Reducing size of the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject in Dynamics 365 CE or Dataverse

When you delete a large amount of data from Dynamics 365 CE or Dataverse, you will notice that the total storage consumed does not decrease. This is because the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject table stores deleted records from the Dynamics 365 database. This table is used to track deleted records for replication and synchronization purposes and records are being kept by default for quite a large amount of time.

When recently encountering this problem, Microsoft support suggested us to reduce the number of days the records are kept in the table from the default 90 to 15 days - to do this  take the following steps:

  • Install the latest version of the OrganizationSettingsEditor solution which you can download from   (The OrgDBOrgSettingsTool dates back to Dynamics CRM 2011 but is being maintained by Sean McNellis and is still quite relevant)

  • Change the ExpireChangeTrackingInDays and ExpireSubscriptionsInDays from the default setting of 90 days to 15 days. In sandbox environments, you might be able to change this value to 0 but for production environments Microsoft recommended to keep it on a minimum of 15 days. The OrgDBSettings utility utilizes the solution configuration page to provide access to the editor (in classic mode) - see OrgDBOrgSettings - where to find it after installing? for details.

Afterwards - just keep patient until the lapsed number of days have been passed and then you should see a size in reduction for the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject