Wednesday, June 22, 2022

ActivityParty not supported in Azure Data Factory copy activity for Dynamics 365

I must admit that I am not a frequent user of Azure Data Factory but now and then I give it a try again ( see Getting started with Azure Data Factory for Dynamics 365 CRM consultants for my previous post on the topic) when I need to import data into Dataverse/Dynamics 365 CE or export data from Dataverse/Dynamics 365. Usually I do this when I hit a snag with the out-of-the box tooling or when I need to connect to a legacy on-premise Dynamics CRM environment.

Last week I tried doing a bulk export of incoming e-mails in Dynamics 365 CE to Azure Blob Storage using the copy activity. I quickly created setup a sink and source, created by my  FetchXML query and then run the data pipeline. It immediately blew up with an exception message "ErrorCode=DataTypeNotSupported,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Column: from,The data type Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityCollection is not supported.,Source=,'

When looking at the mapping, I found the exception so I thought let's take a look at the blog posts of @Joejgriffin - Sink limitations with the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement/CDS connector for Azure Data Factory seemed to be provide some good pointers but unfortunately did not get my any further so I just decided to write a console app ...

Monday, June 20, 2022

Analyze model-driven apps and Microsoft Dataverse telemetry with Application Insights

Beginning of May 2022, Microsoft announced that the ability to configure an Azure Application Insights resource to receive telemetry on diagnostics and performance of Dynamics 365/Dataverse model driven apps was generally available. 

Integration of Dynamics 365/Dataverse with Application Insights enables new monitoring strategies for Dynamics 365/Dataverse. Application Insights will allow you to detect and resolve issues before the end user notices it.  I also think this is very useful for following up on performance impact during big data loads/migrations (see screenshot below where Dataverse processed 6.1 million requests). Application Insights integration is a nice addition to the already extensive toolkit as outlined in the Monitoring the Power Platform blog series by @pfedynamics

The logs in Application Insights allow you to build queries to troubleshoot and monitor your solutions and answer questions like:

If you want to learn more and see some examples - definitely take a look at the blog post from @decastroallan on Analyzing your Dataverse environment using Application Insights 

The performance insights (preview) for model-driven apps is probably leveraging the same telemetry but since you now have access to the raw data in the underlying logs it will be easier to pin point potential issues or discover ways to improve the performance and/or user experience. 

KQL (Kusto Query Language) can be used to query the logs in Application Insights in a scalable fashion  - KQL can be used to also query other Azure components like Azure Log Analytics, Microsoft Defender and Azure Data Explorer. KQL is a SQL-like query language which is powered by the Kusto Engine that allows you to query, filter, sort and aggregate data. It was built specifically built for the cloud and scales quite well. Unlike SQL, KQL can not create, update or delete data - it is purely meant to be used for query operations.


Sunday, June 12, 2022

Using Python and Pandas Datareader to retrieve financial data - part 3: Yahoo Finance

Yahoo Finance is one of the most popular sources of free financial data. It does not only contain historical data but also financial statements, dividend information and calculated metrics like e.g. 50 and 200 day moving average, beta, etc ... Yahoo Finance does not have an officially supported API anymore but pandas-datareader  still allows you to access the data from Yahoo Finance in Python (other alternatives are yfinance and yahoo_fin).

This post is part of a series on using Pandas datareader to retrieve financial data:

In this post I have used version 0.10.0 of pandas-datareader  (released July 13, 2021) which is currently working with Yahoo Finance - previous versions of pandas-datareader had to be updated after Yahoo made some changes on the underlying API.

Warning: Accessing Yahoo Finance using Python libraries is quite brittle so don't try to built production trading systems using this data source.

Accessing the Yahoo Finance API using pandas-datareader is very simple as shown in the screenshot below but I would also recommend implementing a cache mechanism for your queries using the requests-cache Python library to avoid having your IP address being banned. The full source of this Jupyter notebook is available at


Thursday, June 09, 2022

Optionset support in the Power BI Dataverse connector

One of the gotchas of using Power BI to build reports for Dynamics 365 CE (or Dataverse) has been how to easily handle optionset columns (or choice columns as they are now called in the new Dataverse terminology). You had to use work arounds to display the optionset labels as explained in Using Power BI Desktop to build Dynamics CRM Online reports part 4 (article dating back to 2015).

As outlined in Create a Power BI report using data from Dataverse - choice columns are now handled out of the box e.g. in the account table you have a choice (optionset) column called "industrycode" - in Power BI you will now see two columns - "industrycode" (the integer value) and "industrycodename" (the friendly display name of the item)

Also consider the warnings outlined on the official Microsoft documentation though - filtering by choice value can have a performance impact and you also need to make sure that all customizations in Dataverse have been published.

Related links:

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Dynamics 365 and Power Platform monthly reading list May 2022


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