Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Creating a Dataverse instance in a specific Azure region using Power Apps Admin PowerShell module

One of the prerequisites if you need to setup Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse is that the Dataverse/Dynamics 365 environment must be created in the same Azure region as the Azure Data Lake storage account. 

So, if you know that you will be using Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse functionality and you want to avoid opening a support ticket for moving your environment (see Quick tip: finding the Azure data center for your Dynamics 365/Online environment for more details), you will need to create the Dataverse instance in the correct region. 

Unfortunately, this is not possible using the standard user interface but luckily you can use the Power Apps admin PowerShell module (Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell)

I am not sure in which version the functionality was added to enable creation of a Dataverse environment in a specific Azure region was added so if you already installed this PowerShell previously I would recommend updating to the latest version using the update-module command.

When using the New-AdminPowerAppEnvironment command you can specify the location and region you need (for example -LocationName "europe" -RegionName "westeurope"). For a list of supported environment locations and regions you can run Get-AdminPowerAppEnvironmentLocations


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