The 2023 release wave 1 announcements are now available:
- Dynamics 365, Viva Sales and supply chain platform: 2023 release wave 1 plan
- Microsoft Power Platform: 2023 release wave 1 plan
Occasional rantings about Enterprise Architecture and Solution Architecture. Taking the first small steps in machine learning, Python and algorithmic trading
The 2023 release wave 1 announcements are now available:
Technical debt is an important concept to understand as a solution architect. As outlined in Thoughts about the Dynamics 365 solution architect role, a solution architect has to keep the long-term use of the solution in mind and implement scalability and adaptability into the solution for the future. This is where you will need to understand the concept of technical debt. Software design and development is full of metaphors to help non-technical people understand specific concepts - technical debt is one of them.
What is technical debt?
Technical debt is created by (un)conscious actions to take shortcuts in development or design of a software solution. These shortcuts are taken due to some short-term benefits such as faster delivery time, easier implement etc. ... but they have an impact on the longer term.
Having technical debt is like having financial debt, where time spent on this "not-quite-right implementation" counts as interest on the debt and paying the interest on the loan (the debt) might slow down the project/program in the long term.
You will see 3 types of technical debt in projects:It is important to grasp that technical debt is not always an indicator of low quality (but it might be). Technical debt happens because even though we do the best we can - given what we know - we subsequently learn better ways to solve a problem or better ways appear due to technical improvements in the underlying platform or technology stack. You probably heard the phrase "Ignorance is bliss" - well for technical debt this is not the case. The fact that nobody in a team has heard of technical debt should be treated as a red flag for software quality.
How to repay technical debt?
Regardless of the type of technical debt you accumulated, in the end you will always need to repay the technical debt to make sure that you don’t jeopardize your product evolution. If the cost to implement a certain change (be it a bug fix or adding an additional feature) keeps increasing over time, it might be an indicator that you have incurred technical debt on your project.
The first step is however making business aware of the existence of technical debt and the impact of it. I really like the ideas suggested in The Wall of Technical Debt on how to make technical debt visible. Building a regular habit of identifying technical debt and learning on how to negotiate with business on technical debt payoff is a good approach.
Keeping technical debt to a minimal is a team effort - make sure that delivering quality is engrained in the culture and way of working of the team.How to identify technical debt in your Dynamics 365 solution architecture?
As mentioned previously technical debt is automatically accumulated as changes are happening on the technical platform underpinning your solution. So I highly recommend to follow up on the important changes (deprecations) in Power Apps and Power Automate page and also on the Deprecation of Dynamics 365 apps page.
By writing code, you are automatically accumulating some amount of technical debt but there is tooling available to help you identify technical debt in your code and solutions:
A couple of months ago, I stumbled upon this interesting presentation Jupyter Notebooks: interactive visualization approaches. The presentation showed how you can use bqplot to build interactive visualizations.
Bqplot contains a set of 2D plotting widgets built on top of the ipywidgets framework for Jupyter notebooks. The bqplot package aims to bring d3.js visualizations to Python while retaining the flexibility and ease of use of ipywidgets and was developed by the quantitative research team at Bloomberg. You can install bqplot using conda or pip.
One of the examples built by the team that you can find on Github is a Jupyter notebook which shows US equity market performance (using the S&P 500 index) where you can select an interval on a time series chart - for the selected area you get the total return as well as a histogram of the daily returns.
A couple of weeks ago I got the question why I write a blog since it would be better to do a podcast or publish videos on technical content. In this post, I will explain why it is still a good idea to start blogging. I wrote my first blog post almost 18 years ago and got inspired by Robert Scoble (Scobleizer) who worked as a technical evangelist at Microsoft at that time and had a very popular blog. 1483 blog posts and almost 2 million views of these blogs I still consider it a good idea, since I think that a lot of good things have happened to me in my professional live because I decided to start my blog and share my thoughts on technology.
Starting a blog is an easy starting point for you to be active in the technical community. Sharing is caring might sound lame but it is a good credo to live by as an IT professional/consultant. In a professional context, most persons only know the people that they directly work with - colleagues or customers.
Blogging (but also Twitter and technical communities) allows you to expand that and suddenly there are people all over the world that you can learn from and they can learn from you. Suddenly you will realize there are others who face similar challenges. By sharing your experiences and offering advice to support, you can build a community of readers who value your experience. By writing good high-quality content on a regular basis, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field which in turn will help you build your personal brand and increase your visibility. Starting a blog is a lot easier than creating a video on YouTube or doing a podcast.
The most underrated skill to have in IT is the ability to communicate efficiently. Blogging is levelling that skill up. In an era where people mostly rely on PowerPoints slides for presenting a plan or a vision, it is quite refreshing to see them back it up with a well-written, solid document afterwards. I usually cringe when seeing poorly written documents or e-mails so I think that good writing skills will set you apart.
I think of a blog as a way to write notes to myself and you should too. Throughout your daily job, you are continuously solving problems: write about how you approached solving these problems and where you found helpful information. By writing your approach down, you will remember it better and it will be easier for you to find it later (and others will benefit of this as well).
The more you explain a concept or a topic to other people, the better you will get at understanding it yourself. This might sound strange but it is true, teach to learn. When you need to teach something, you are required to understand it in a deep and comprehensive way. The process of writing, will help your own understanding and requires you to think critically and find creative ways to present the topic which further enhances your understanding and retention of the information.
Even when you are learning something new, you are probably taking notes. Blog these notes, taking these notes. Rewriting them will help you understand the content much better, while it helps others too. If you think that everything is already written, do it for your own reference. If you find it useful yourself to go back to your blog, then it is OK. Don't fuzz to much about getting little visitors to your blog in the beginning.
First post of 2023 - so let's close with last month's suggested reading list. If you want to catch up on previous reading lists for 2022 - here is the list:
Technical topics (Configuration, customization and extensibility)
Topics for Dynamics 365 Business Applications Platform consultants, project managers and power users