Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Excel 2007 can now do two-way sync to a SharePoint list

Picked this up from Eli's blog:

In Excel 2003 you were able to sync amendments both from a Excel 2003 spreadsheet to a SharePoint List and from a SharePoint List to an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. But in Excel 2007 this is no longer the case...Well it was until Microsoft released an Excel 2007 Add-in.

This is a must install if you are upgrading to Office 2007 from Office 2003, otherwise your users will cry. The Excel 2007 Add-in, can be downloaded from: There is also an accompaning MSDN article "Publishing and Synchronizing Excel 2007 Tables to SharePoint Lists":


Anonymous said...

The other option you have in 2007 is to use Access, which is extraordinarily good at taking lists offline. Much better than Excel. Just open you list in Access from the list's Actions menu. Changes in Access are seemlessly sync-ed to SharePoint. You can go offline, edit the lists to your hearts content, and next time online will all sync up again automatically.

Anonymous said...

There is also a good article and a nice tool available here

It allows end uses to be able to click on WSS "export to spreadsheet"