Sunday, November 26, 2023

Implementing Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse: gotchas and tips

Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse allows you to easily export data from a Dataverse (or Dynamics 365) instance to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS) and/or Azure Synapse. Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse provides a continuous replication of standard and custom entities/tables to Azure Synapse and Azure Data Lake. 

I highly recommend you to view the awesome YouTube playlist Azure Synapse Link and Dataverse - better together from Scott Sewell (@Scottsewell) as an introduction.

This blog post provides a number of tips & tricks but is not an exhaustive list - it is highly recommended to go through the links in the Microsoft documentation listed in the reference section below. You can also take a look at the presentation I delivered at Techorama  in May 2023 which is available on Github - Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse from 0 to 100

1. Check the region of your Dataverse/Dynamics 365 instance

The configuration of Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse is done through the Power Platform maker portal but before you can get started you should first setup Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and Azure Synapse in your Azure subscription.  

It is however best that you first check in the configuration screen in which region your instance is located since the storage account and Synapse Workspace must be created in the same region as the Power Apps environment for which you want to enable Azure Synapse Link.  From the PPAC user interface it is currently not possible to create a Dataverse/Dynamics 365 instance in a specific region but this is possible with the PowerShell - see Creating a Dataverse instance in a specific Azure region using Power Apps Admin PowerShell module

If you need to move a Dataverse or Dynamics 365 instance to a different Azure region, you can open a Microsoft support tickets. Based on recent experience this specific type of Microsoft support request is handled fairly quickly (within 1-2 business days).

Azure Data Lake Storage is a set of capabilities, built on Azure Blob Storage. When you create a storage account and check the "enable hierarchical namespace" checkbox on the advanced tab, you create an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

2. Make sure all prerequisites are in place before enabling Azure Synapse Link

Definitely make sure that all security configuration outlined on Create an Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse with your Azure Synapse Workspace (Microsoft docs) are correctly setup. The exception messages which are shown in the Azure Synapse Link configuration pages aren't always very helpful.

3. Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse is a Lake Database

In the documentation from Microsoft (Understand lake database concepts) a lake database is defined as:

A lake database provides a relational metadata layer over one or more files in a data lake. You can create a lake database that includes definitions for tables, including column names and data types as well as relationships between primary and foreign key columns. The tables reference files in the data lake, enabling you to apply relational semantics to working with the data and querying it using SQL. However, the storage of the data files is decoupled from the database schema; enabling more flexibility than a relational database system typically offers.

The data is stored ADLS Gen2 in accordance with the Common Data Model (CDM) -the folders used conform to well-defined and standardized metadata structures (mapped 1:1 with Dataverse tables/entities). At the root you will see a metadata file (called model.json) which contains semantic information about all of the entity/table records, attributes and relationships between the tables/entities.

The way the files are being written depends on the Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse configuration - both the partitioning mode and in place vs append only mode can be configured - see Advanced Configuration Options in Azure Synapse Link 

4. Synapse Link for Dataverse uses passthrough authentication using ACLs in Azure Data Lake - no support for SQL authentication

Since all the the data for the tables in Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse are CSV files which are stored in Azure Data Lake Storage, this also means that security needs to be set at the level of the files in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. There is no support for SQL authentication in the Lake DB which is created by Azure Synapse Link for Dataverse.


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